неделя, 19 април 2009 г.

Песен на деня - 19 април 2009

Нямам навика да пускам песен на деня през уикенда. Днес обаче дъждът, който удави софийския Великден, ме провокира. Извади на бял свят носталгията по неща, които никога не са съществували или са приключили отдавна. Тази година е първа за много неща.

Placebo - English Summer Rain

Тази песен мирише на влага, която скрива небето, и на ученическа любов, интензивна като първата глътка алкохол, емоционално наситена като хормонална инжекция.

Always stays the same, nothing ever changes,
English summer rain seems to last for ages.
Always stays the same, nothing ever changes,
English summer rain seems to last for ages.

Im in the basement, youre in the sky,
Im in the basement baby, drop on by.
Im in the basement, youre in the sky,
Im in the basement baby, drop on by.

Always stays the same, nothing ever changes,
English summer rain seems to last for ages.
Always stays the same, nothing ever changes,
English summer rain seems to last for ages.

Im in the basement, youre in the sky,
Im in the basement baby, drop on by.
Im in the basement, youre in the sky,
Im in the basement baby, drop on by.

Hold your breath and count to ten,
And fall apart and start again,
Hold your breath and count to ten,
Start again, start again...
Hold your breath and count your step,
And fall apart and start again,
Start again... (x13)

Always stays the same, nothing ever changes,
English summer rain seems to last for ages.
Always stays the same, nothing ever changes,
English summer rain seems to last for ages.

Hold your breath and count to ten,
And fall apart and start again,
Hold your breath and count to ten,
Start again, start again...
Hold your breath and count to ten,
And fall apart and start again,
Old your breath and count to ten,
And start again, and start again,

Start again... (x16)

И Христос воскресе!

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